Songs of Yore Anniversary

Songs of Yore completes six years

Songs of Yore Sixth Anniversary June 7, 2016

Celebrating with some discovered gems and a tribute to Vidya Nath Seth I recall that on the fifth anniversary of SoY, Gaddeswarupji commented that many promising blogs start losing steam around the sixth year. The sixth year brought in some major constraints in my personal logistics. I had just taken up a new full-time assignment […]

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Songs of Yore completes three years

Songs of Yore Third Anniversary June 7, 2013

Celebrating with three triad songs Today SoY completes three years. When I look back, it is not merely more of the same. To be sure, the frequency has increased from the preceding two years. Thirty-three posts in the year gone by, i.e. a post every 11 days, is far more than the preceding two years. […]

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Songs of Yore completes two years

Thumbnail image for Songs of Yore completes two years June 7, 2012

Today Songs of Yore completes two years. While the first year was somewhat tentative and kind of groping its way around, it has become surer of its steps in the second year. I have generally maintained a frequency of a post every two weeks. SoY has also become more interactive. The readers’ comments, views and […]

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